Green Life Zipper Tape
Made from 100% recycled polyester and another materials such as discarted fabrics, plastics and fibers the recycled zipper
Has born to reduce the impact to the enviroment. Increasing the eco-friendly value of your company.

Nos aseguramos de cumplir las leyes de sostenibilidad europea y nuestra producción está totalmente integrada promocionando el desarollo de productos “Eco-friendly” como las cremalleras hechas con polyester reciclado. Promover el comercio justo y las condiciones de trabajo justas son también una clave de nuestro negocio.
In Rubi Zippers we aim to get an enviromental concious
Taking care of our planet we work with sustainable materials. Our GreenLife zipper is just one example of our commitment for the planet. We have reduced our paper use by 50%.

Zippers made in Barcelona (Spain).
The CO2 emissions produced in the shipping are reduced.
When you choose these products you are helping the local economy.

Recycled metal and other materials made by using the surplus production and considerable investments in water pollution control and sewage treatment technologies.